February 19, 2024 – Wilmington, OHIO – Out of an abundance of caution, World Equestrian Center encourages all exhibitors to implement the proper EHV – 1 best practices. While reports have stated that an affected horse was at a facility in Ohio over 200 miles from our location, there have been NO positive cases or reports of horses with symptoms at either venue of World Equestrian Center.
Horses that have traveled to the known competition venue in Ohio and horses who have been exposed to horses that have been at the known Ohio competition venue will not be allowed on World Equestrian Center show grounds in Wilmington and Ocala for 14 days from Saturday, February 17.
While there is no known threat to those who have traveled to or plan to travel to our facilities, we encourage everyone to implement the following biosecurity best practices to your barn staff:
- Take temperatures of all horses twice daily and maintain a log for each horse.
- Limit nose-to-nose contact between horses.
- Handlers and riders should maintain distances between horses at all times.
- Avoid non-essential people touching horses.
- Practice good hygiene. Handlers should wash hands in-between handling horses and maintain proper biosecurity protocols in the barns and rings.
- Avoid sharing equipment unless it is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between uses.
- Braiders/Vets/Farriers/Equine Therapists must produce a list to the Show Office of client horses with their appropriate stall number.
- Braiders/Vets/Farriers/ Equine Therapists should clean and disinfect their hands, equipment, clothing, and shoes between horses.
Be aware of the health requirements for entrance to either World Equestrian Center facility, including a Statement of Health, negative Coggins and vaccinations. Click here to view the Health & Safety Protocols.
Please contact horse show manager TJ Campbell at tj.campbell@wec.net with further questions or concerns.
World Equestrian Center – Wilmington Show Veterinarian:
Hagyard Equine Medical Institute
Media Contact
Justin Garner