It was a relaxing Sunday at the World Equestrian Center as we wrapped up the third show of our Fall Series. We started the day with church service in the Sanctuary arena at 7:30 am, allowing for a quiet moment before the start of the show. When the rings got going, the Juniors and Amateurs were out in full force, bringing their best to their rounds today.

The R+L arena hosted countless beautiful Hunter rounds today, from both Juniors and Amateurs. The $1,000 Junior/AO Hunter Classic had nine entries, but one in particular stood out. California, a grey nine-year-old Swedish Warmblood gelding ridden and owned by Meghan McDonald, topped the class with a lovely round that earned a score of 82.

The Sanctuary arena hosted many Classic rounds today, where Juniors and Amateurs compete against one another. The $500 Low Children’s/Adult Jumper Classic 1.00m included sixteen entries, all vying for the win. There were plenty of noteworthy rounds, but it was Shelby Hamilton aboard Aukland that took first place. Aukland, a bay, twelve-year-old, Dutch Warmblood gelding is owned by Michelle Friedman.

Moving up in height, eleven entries competed in the $2,500 NAL Low Junior/AO Jumper Classic 1.25 m. Again, competition was tough, but it was Ponce D. Tidwell, III and a fourteen-year-old bay Dutch Warmblood mare called Cadeau du Ciel that took the win. Cadeau du Ciel is owned by PT-III Equestrian, LLC.
Congratulations to all of the horses and riders that competed today at the World Equestrian Center!
Photos courtesy of Andrew Ryback Photography.