Wilmington, Ohio – This week’s Wilmington Sunday Spotlight shines on Kady Abrahamson’s striking mare, Any (Aljano x Nina XI). The 15-year-old Holsteiner mare is a fan favorite and has earned a top three placing in every Grand Prix that she has competed in at World Equestrian Center – Wilmington. The duo has made numerous outings to both WEC locations, and never fails to rise to the occasion. We caught up with Abrahamson to learn more about the queen of her barn.

WEC: How did you find Any?
Sharn Wordley was riding her at the time and one day when he was stabled next to us in Ocala, he asked me if I wanted to show her because he was trying to sell her. I showed her that week and had one down, but to me she didn’t feel 100% so we sent her back to the owner, Arnold Dobber. For some reason, she reminded me of a really special mare that I had in the past and I just had a feeling that I needed to keep in touch with her even though I had only ridden her once. I called Arnold once a month to check on her. He was originally going to breed her, but when I got back to Florida he asked if I wanted to come and ride her to see how she was. She is so opinionated, so no one else wanted to ride her, so I kept her for a month and showed her once and won the class. So, my parents actually had a racehorse that the owner really liked at the time, so we ended up doing a trade, and we got Any.
Originally, we didn’t know if she had the scope to be a Grand Prix horse. Two weeks after I bought her, I entered her in the $75,000 Grand Prix and she ended up winning. She was clear every single Saturday night that season and jumped her first 1.60m that summer.

WEC: What is her personality like in the barn?
She pretty much dislikes anybody but herself. It is so funny; she tolerates my new mare Jazil [Jazil Du Houssit]. That’s her queen in training. She really likes Candace and me. When she likes you, you are very lucky! She does what she wants when she wants. You can’t force her to do anything, and we make our show schedule around Any.
Any has her antics, but at the end of the day, she knows when it counts. She loves to win. She thinks the ribbons, the cooler, and the crowd are all for her.

WEC: What is Any’s ideal day in the life?
Any prefers limited human interaction during the day, and she wants to have her paddock to herself, like the queen she is. She loves going on hacks because it doesn’t require too much effort. She does her thing at home; she decides what she wants to do that day. Sometimes she doesn’t want to jump 1.0m at home, and other days she is all for work. She always knows when it is time to turn it on.

WEC: What is your favorite memory with Any?
I broke my ankle the first week of the winter circuit in Ocala this past winter. The doctors told me that I couldn’t ride for four to six months. I was working really hard in physical therapy and my parents decided that she was the only one that I was allowed to jump when I was coming back from my injury. I ended up jumping her in my walking boot over a little vertical in sneakers and gym clothes. She was so good, and I really stayed on it in physical therapy and was determined to show by the end of the circuit.
Everyone told me I was crazy, but I was so set on doing it. I got cleared to ride during week 11 and I did her in a 1.30m class that week, and then entered her in the $100,000 Grand Prix that Saturday. She went in and jumped like nothing had ever happened. She really took care of me. That was one of her best rounds and definitely my favorite memory.

WEC: If Any could be any other animal what would she be?
Any would be an Anaconda. Her personality changes when it suits her!

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Results can be found at wec.net.
All horse show images are provided by Winslow Photography and can be purchased onsite at WEC – Wilmington or online through their website.