Wilmington, Ohio – This week’s Wilmington Sunday Spotlight shines on Brandon Gibson’s eight-year-old Selle Francais staillion, Grimoire d’Elphen, also known as Graham. The stunning Paint stallion by Thunder Gesmeray out of Dior d’Elphen can be found in picture-perfect form in the 3’9” Green Hunters and the National Derbies with Gibson in the irons. Though Graham never fails to impress with his presence in the ring, Gibson was quick to swoon over his puppy-dog demeanor in the barn. We caught up with Gibson to learn more about the star of his stable.

WEC: How did you find Graham?
I actually found one of his foals first on Facebook. I was talking to the breeder, and she sent me pictures and videos of Graham just to tell me he was the father of the foal. I told her that I wanted him, and she said he wasn’t for sale. So, I proceeded to talk to her about once a month for about nine months before she decided to sell him to me! I never let off and she and I came to an agreement, and I bought him. I brought him over in August of 2022. He was in France at the time competing in the young jumper series when I found him. I didn’t buy the foal, but I did buy Graham!
He is such an easy fun guy. I am so lucky to have found him and have him now. After I had my Spectrum Z horse, I didn’t think that I would have another quite like him and Graham has stepped up and filled his shoes really well. The moment I saw his first video in Europe, the rider never touched the reins and was always squeezing and I knew he would be so perfect for the hunter ring.

WEC: What is his personality like behind-the-scenes?
He is a total puppy dog. Nobody ever even knows that he is a stallion. He is easier than most of my geldings. He is so chill and quiet. The braider yesterday had never braided him before and said he is her favorite horse; he just stands there with the lead rope over his neck. He is the most easy going horse. He is so easy to get to the ring. I just hack him in the morning, and he never has to see the jumps.

WEC: Graham is a breeding stallion. Tell us a bit about it.
It is so fun to watch his babies develop. He has about 100 foals in Europe already after this past year. We have started promoting him here in the states. He has about 20 babies coming this spring. Next year, I am expecting a pretty big crop. He has a lot of mares booked for this season so I think it will be really fun to watch them grow up here. The first ones were just born on Tuesday night! He had a colt and filly. I had one of his babies last year, but we sold her. His babies are just as easy as he is.
He is homozygous for color, so all his babies have his color. He is also homozygous for the black gene, so there aren’t any chestnut babies either, they are all either bay and white or black and white.

WEC: How has WEC been beneficial in his development as a hunter?
He showed here last winter in his first 3’6” classes. He really likes it here. He is easy to get to the ring here and he loves the constant temperature. The derbies are always done up so well, so it has given him really good exposure to that. We love bringing him here and he loves it too.

WEC: What are your riding goals with him this year?
We would love to get into Devon and we will aim towards derby finals in the summer.
Thank you, Brandon, for taking the time to talk with us about your special guy! We wish you continued success with Graham and his babies!