The Championship Show Barrel Futurity & Sweepstakes Entry deadline extended to October 1st
With more than $90,000 GUARANTEED, The Championship Show is the place to be this fall! Exhibitors should still try and reserve their stalls by using the form below by August 1st. The deadline extension is for the barrel classes only.
Wednesday, October 20th
Exhibitions- Pay $5 at the gate
Thursday, October 21st
341. $25,000 Futurity 1st go
The $25,000 added Barrel Futurity will follow BFA guidelines and payout. It is open to all eligible horses and riders.
Friday, October 22nd
342. $20,000 5D Open Sweepstakes
Saturday, October 23rd
341. Futurity 2nd go
344. $10,000 5D Youth (18 & Under)
345. $10,000 5D Open (with $25,000 Future Fortune sidepot)
There is NO entry fee for the Future Fortunes Sidepot. You can roll your time from any Saturday class to the $10,000 5D open +Future Fortunes. You must declare prior to 8:00am on Saturday.
There will be no tie outs allowed on the grounds. Each horse will be assigned a stall. No outside shavings will be allowed. Horses do NOT have to be NSBA registered.
Make sure to check out the Checklist of Required Paperwork for Entries below-
- Entry form with selected classes
- 12 month Coggins
- Vaccination records (6 month EHV and EIV)
- Payment for entries and stalls (can be made by check or credit card)
To view the Barrel Racing Flyer, Entry Fees, and other information, please click here
Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please visit our website to view levels and benefits of becoming a Sponsor.
For questions, please call Greg Wheat: 352-421-1145 or email Greg.Wheat@wec.net